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List of Datasets
The Hydrometeorological data set (Mean Sea Level (MSL), Sea surface water temperature {T), Water Balance)
The Level and Dynamics of Pollution in the Georgian coastal areas of Black Sea.
Sea Eustatics During Last 20000 years. Sedimentological analysis of samples.
Sea Shore Line Dynamics
Near bottom load flow values of rv. Chorokhi mouth
Measurement of erosion and accumulation processes in the mouth of rv.Rioni
Mean sea level, sea port of Poti
Wind velocity and direction in the east part of Black Sea
Wave height and wind direction in the east part of Black Sea
Hydrological measurements on rv. Rioni mouth\post station
Helocene sediment cross-sections in the Kobuleti area
Waves height and direction in the area of Cape Batumi
Granulometric parameters of beach material in the mouth area of Rv. Chorokhi
Grain size graphical analysis of the beach along the Batumi urban area
Hydrological and morphometrical parameters of Rv. Rioni
Profiles of submarine slope of the foremouth of the city channel of Rv. Rioni
Volumes of beachforming material delivered to Adjara region
Monthly water discharge values of Rv. Mokva
Granulometric parameters of load discharge of Rv. Mokva
Mean stream velocities of Rv. Mokva
Volumes of lost sediments in the Bichvinta canyons (Abkhazeti)
Maps, profiles and schemes of the flood on the Rv. Rioni
Variation of shoreline (Ajara - Kolkheti) in 1926-29, 1980 and 1990 years (maps)
Schemes and maps of beach and submarne canyons of Cape Bichvinta
Bathymetry of the canyon heads, Rv. Bzibi
Core samples from submarine canyons, Rv. Bzibi, Georgia
Visual (photosets) material, Rv. Bzibi, Georgia
Detailed scheme of the geological divisions of the Black Sea shore zone between Rv. Rioni and Rv. Chorokhi (2001)
Geological-lithological profiles of Rv. Supsa submarine canyon and city of Kobuleti shelf area - Maps
Granulometric parameters of sands from the mouths of the Rv. Maltakva and Rv. Ocumi
Lithological profiles of Rv. Khobi, Rv. Enguri, Rv. Galidzga, Rv. Okumi, Rv. Maltakva, Rv. Rioni and port facilities of city of Poti (1988 - 1991)
Maps and schemes of Rv. Inguri coastal area
Maximum values of waves in Black Sea shelf zone
Detailed scheme of geological-lithological regions from Rv. Psou to Rv. Chorokhi
Load discharge values of Georgian rivers delivered to the coastal zone of the Black Sea
Profiles (400 pieces) of the shelf and continental slope of Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans
Schematic map of World Ocean continental slope and shelf profiles
Seismic-acoustical profiles, city of Kobuleti and Tsikhisdziri
Shelf drilling data, Adjara region of Georgian Black Sea coast
Granulometric data of submarine slope between Rv. Supsa and Rv. Chorokhi
Bathymetry of Adjarian coastal region, Georgian Black Sea coast
Mean monthly load discharge of Rv. Okumi, Gagida, Inguri, Churia and Khobi at mouth cross-section
Mineralogical and petrological characteristics of slope sediments between Rv. Khobi and Rv. Okumi
Geological and lithological profiles of the region between Rv. Khobi and Rv. Okumi
Wind speed and direction of various recurrence in city of Batumi, Kobuleti and Rv. Supsa area
Drilling lithological data from mouth of Rv. Supsa to city of Kobuleti
Wave parameters: height, period, lengths and velocity from mouth Rv. Supsa to city of Kobuleti
Morphometrical characteristics of the submarine slope down to 30 m depth from mouth Rv. Supsa to city of Kobuleti
Engineering geology of the submarine slope of observing region, from mouth Rv. Supsa to city of Kobuleti - Map
Seismic - geological maps of Cape Bichvinta
Geological (engineering map of submarine slope of Inkiti bay) scale - 1/500
Mineralogic, petrologic and granulometric data (in percents) of submarine slope of Cape Bichvinta - 3 profiles
Physical and mechanical properties of the submarine layers of Bichvinta resort (specific gravity, porosity, cohesion and integral pressure of waves)
Detailed schematic geological engineering map of eastern part of the Black Sea
Geological maps of the Black Sea basin - 90 profiles
Physical-mechanical parameters of the shelf and continental slope (petrography, lithology, granulometry) of the eastern part of the Black Sea
Thermal gradients data of the bottom layers of the Black Sea - 76 stations
Schemes of the thermal fluxes of the eastern part and a basin of the Black Sea
Scheme of regional geological engineering divisions (Port of Poti - City of Kobuleti)
Physical - mechanical measured parameters of ground (clay, pebbles etc.) of the Black Sea
Quality of waters in marine section of delta areas of Black Sea rivers
Values of discharge of Rv. Rioni, Georgia
Hydrometeorological characteristics (T, humidity, wind direction, wave direction and height) of Georgian Black Sea coast
Hydrochemical parameters of deltaic area of Rv. Rioni
Hydrochemical data (310 samples) of Black Sea basin rivers
Hydrochemical data set (190 samples) of Georgian Black Sea coast
Dataset of ambient concentration of toxic substances (130 samples) along the Georgian Black Sea coast
Hydrochemical parameters of the Georgian Black Sea coast (1985)
Hydrochemical data of the Georgian Black Sea coast (1950 - 1981)
Hydrochemical data of the Georgian Black Sea coast (1983)
Mean annual marine surface water temperatures, Port of Poti
Mean annual marine surface water temperature, Port of Batumi
Data set of fixed storm situations (storms) from the Georgian Black Sea coast
Data of actual weather forecast assesment from the Georgian Black Sea coast
Marine Navigation maps for Black Sea ports (scale 1 : 5000)
Marine Navigation maps of Black and Azov Seas (scale 1 : 500 000)
Map of NE part of Mediterranean Sea, navigation (scale 1:500 000)
Bathymetric map of Poti harbor (scale 1:25000)
Mean annual and monthly temperatures, Port of Poti
Wind direction and mean amount of doldrums, Port of Poti
Precipitation observations from the Port of Poti
Radiation obsevations from the Port of Poti
Humidity observations from the Port of Poti
Sea level observations from the Port of Poti
Sea surface temperature observations from the Port of Poti
Wave height observations from the Port of Poti
Wind velocity and direction data set from the Port of Poti
Hydrological data (Deltaic area of Rv. Rioni and Lake of Paliastomi)
Granulometric parameters of load material, Rv. Rioni, Port of Poti
Fisheries production in Georgia in selected years 1930, 1950, 1980, 1990
Fish production in different environments of the Georgian Black Sea coast
Marine capture production with Passive and Active Gears in the Black Sea and Azov Sea
Catches of anchovy in Georgian waters by national and foreign fleets
Total fishery production of Georgia over the period 1988-2002
Capture fisheries production in the Black Sea (1988-2002) by selected countries
Anchovy resource and catches recorded in seasons from 1997/98 to 2003/04
Commercial fisheries production in the Black sea coastal zone of Georgia (1991-2003)
Composition of anchovy age groups 1997/98- 2003/04
Aquaculture farms in Georgia by region, surface area species cultured and production ( 2004 )
Hydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi.
Marine water monitoring data (fixed profiles), Achara, Batumi
Black Sea surface wind friction tangential stress vector
Calculated average values of all existing (41 types) wind fields of Black Sea
Black Sea average salinity fields for all seasons
Calculated average temperature fields for all Black Sea, all seasons
Evaporation and Precipitation annual average values for all Black Sea basin
Annual average heat flow values for all Black Sea
T, S and density fields spatial distribution calculated on the basis of numerical modeling
Meaurements of wave heights in the Georgian coastal zone
Mean sea level of the Black Sea
Mean sea level of the Paliastomi Lake
Load discharge values measured in the deltaic sections of rivers Bziphi, Kodori, Rioni, Supsa, Natanebi and Chorokhi
T, S values measured at fixed oceanographic profiles
Evaporation and precipitation in the coastal water of Georgia
Current velocity and direction measurements at fixed oceanographic profiles in the Black Sea Georgian coastal zone
Air temperature measurements in the Black Sea Georgian coastal zone
Wind velocity and direction in the Black Sea Georgian coastal zone
Measurements of transparency of the Black Sea in the Georgian coastal zone
Bathimetric maps (research of the echosound measurements) scale 1:5000, 2000.
Bathimetric maps of the Submarine slope from Rv. Rioni mouth up to the new northern mole of the pority, scale 1:5000, 2005
Bathimetric map of the adjacent area of the Sea Port Poti, scale 1:5000, 2005
Results of bathimetric measurements of the adjacent submarine slope (at point Grigoleti), scale 1:2000; years of 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.