List Of Centres » Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of Georgian Academy of Sciences (GAS)

Seismic - geological maps of Cape Bichvinta

Center's Name: Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of Georgian Academy of Sciences (GAS)
Dataset Name Seismic - geological maps of Cape Bichvinta
Time Period 1970
Geographical Coverage Georgian Black Sea coast, 13 from mouth Rv. Bzipi to Miusera, Abkhazia
Area Type Offshore & Coastal
Project Some questions of geological structure of the shelf of Bichvinta (Pitsunda) Cape.
Project Acronym
Parameters shelf lithology, seismic features
Instruments R/V Geolog, Sparker, echosounder, NEL 5 ( made in Russia)
Summary Complex seismoacoustical investigation conducted in the region of Cape Bichvinta aiming to evaluate more preciously thickness of Quaternary layers. It was revealed that contemporary submarine layers were developed from the Pleistocene creational tectonic cycle.
Reference Arkhangelski A., Strakhov N. Gelogicheskaia stroenia i istoria razvgitia Chernogo morya. Academy of Science of USSR, 1938 Fartsvania F. Ositashvili I., Otchet o rezultatakh poiskovikh rabot na magnetitovikh peskakh chernomorskogo poberejia. Geofondi GSSR, 1962, 1963 Buachidze I., Iashvili G. Ingenerno geologicheskie isledovanii pishchanikh otlojenii napodvodnom sklone ot ustia Chorokhi do reki Sarfi, GPI 1969
Availability Special arrangement, contact Director, Prof. Guram Buachidze Lab of Marine engineering geology, Dr.G. Iashvili, Head Tel: +995 32 791046; +995 99 931637 Fax: +995 32 001153 E-mail:
Data Website
Originator Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of GAS
Supply Details
Contact Director, Prof. Guram Buachidze Lab of Marine engineering geology, Dr.G. Iashvili, Head Tel: +995 32 791046; +995 99 931637 Fax: +995 32 001153 E-mail:
Completed By Z. Savaneli -
Collated By TSU-UORC, Georgia and edited by BODC (11/11/2004)