International Cooperation
• IODE - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange: The GeoDna participates in IODE activities in cooperation with other’s countries Oceanographic Data Bases (NODC).
• Black Sea GOOS The GeoDNA is acting in a close collaboration with BSGOOS - the f. Co-operative Marine Science Programme for the Black Sea (CoMSBlack 1991,) that was the first multinational program implemented in the Black Sea. It was recognized and supported by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and UNESCO. The participating countries in CoMSBlack were Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the USA.
In September 1994 a Regional Black Sea Workshop was held in Varna (Bulgaria). The important consequence of the Varna meeting was the agreement for the formation of an IOC Regional Committee and a Regional Programme consisting of two pilot projects (i) Black Sea Fluxes and (ii) Marine Services. On the Eighteenth Session of the IOC, the Assembly adopted a resolution (Resolution XVIII-17, UNESCO, Paris, 7-9 June 1995) which established the IOC Black Sea Regional Committee (BSRC). The resolution established the Terms of References (ToRs) for the BSRC and the resolution also defined the initial tasks of the BSRC for the period 1996-1997.
The First Session of the BSRC was held in Varna, Bulgaria, (10-13 September 1996). Two Pilot Projects "The Assessment of Sediment Fluxes in the Black Sea" and "The Black Sea GOOS" (named PP1 and PP2 in the following) were discussed extensively and programs were developed.
The first workshop of PP1 was held in Istanbul, Turkey (May 1997) which was followed by the International Conference "Black Sea 1997" in Varna, Bulgaria (May 1997).
At the first meeting of the IOC BSRC (Paris November 1998) a decision was made to organize the IOC BSRC Second Session which was held in Istanbul,
The activities and the decisions of the BSRC at the Istanbul meeting were approved by the Twentieth Session of the IOC Assembly (29 June- 9 July, 1999, Paris) and it adopted Resolution XX-18 for this purpose.
The first session of Pilot Project 2 was held in Albena (Bulgaria) in November 1999. This meeting defined the concepts, goals and objectives of the operational marine services for the Black Sea. The meeting also defined the main aims and objective of the Black Sea GOOS.
The second session of Pilot Project 2 (Black Sea GOOS) was hed in Poti (Georgia) in May 2001 with the participation of all Black Sea Riparian Countries. Delegations from the IOC, the EuroGOOS, the Black Sea Committee and the Black Sea Environmental Programme. The meeting besides the other objectives adopted the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Black Sea GOOS and elected the Black Sea Ad Hoc Steering Committee.
The Black Sea GOOS MoU was signed by five Black Sea countries, namely Bulgaria, Georgia, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the Ukraine on July 6, 2001 in Paris. Romania followed the others and signed the the MoU on October 22, 2001 at the IOC headquarters in Paris.
• EuroGOOS - European Global Ocean Observing System: The GeoDNA is a partner of EuroGOOS, an international European informal association, which aims to promote the operational oceanography in the European seas, within the aspects of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and the Global Monitoring and Environment (GMES).
• MedGOOS - Mediterranean Global Ocean Observing System: The GeoDNA is collaborating with MedGOOS, an international Mediterranean informal association, which aims to promote the co-operation in capacity building in the operational oceanography, within the aspects of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS).
• GLOSS - Global Sea Level Observing System: The GeoDna is participating in the GLOSS network that aims to provide long term monitoring on sea level changes, particularly of the sea level rise that may caused by the global warming (that leading to the water volume expansion) and the melting of the polar ice.
• ESEAS - European Sea Level Service: The GeoDNA is collaborating with the ESEAS network that aims to provide systematic and long term monitoring in the European seas on sea level changes, particularly of the sea level rise that may caused by the global warming (that leading to the water volume expansion) and the melting of the polar ice. MedGLOSS network also participates in ESEAS.