Institude of Marine Science (Middle East Technical University):
The Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) was established in 1975 with the objectives of conducting oceanographic research and providing graduate level education in marine sciences with respect to the mission and the vision of the institute. The Institute has four main divisions:
In its brief history, research accomplished by the Institute has resulted both in vastly increasing our knowledge of the seas surrounding Turkey and in establishing a data base to help in the management of the marine environment.
The Institute is located on the Mediterranean coast, near Erdemli, about 45km west of the town of Mersin. It is a part of the Middle East Technical University, one of the leading universities in Turkey, which has its main campus in Ankara.
The programs are envisioned to provide future scientists with thorough education and training in their fields. Special emphasis is given to studying the national marine environment, in keeping with the Institute's objectives of developing and improving the marine resources of Turkey.
Students with B.S. degree (or equivalent) in one of the natural sciences or engineering, and a background including calculus, statistics and differential equations may apply. Experience in
computer programming is desirable. Training of mersin escort kayseri escort adana escort istanbul nakliyat graduated students is greatly enhanced by active participation in research programs carried out at sea, and in laboratories of the Institute.
The Institute's campus at Erdemli, houses office buildings, laboratories, computing and remote sensing facilities, a library and other services. Housing for staff and students, and harbor facility are also located on the campus.
The mission of the Institute is to provide post-graduate education in marine sciences to enable our scientists to conduct research compatible with international standards; to perform systematic and integrated research utilizing both observations and modeling techniques to acquire information pertinent to the needs of our society and to publish our results so that they may be of use to decision makers.
Parallel to the developments in marine sciences to obtain the most benefit from both the living and non-living marine resources in our country, to attain infra- and superstructure facilities in a shortest period possible, to carry out the needed systematic and integrated research based on observations and modeling techniques to allow recognition, conservation and sustainable management of the marine resources; and to be among the foremost in training qualified scientists, in the direction of the university's mission: respectful to nature, enriched with knowledge, and talented to be able making independent decisions.
Sinop Fisheries Faculty (Ondokuz Mayıs University):
Sinop Fisheries Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs University has risen to national prominence as a centre for teaching research in Marine Biology and Ecology, Fishing Technology, Fish Processing, and Aquaculture.
The academic staff have responsibility for teaching to undergraduate students, with field courses and lectures in Sinop. We also offer 2-year M.S.c. courses in Marine Biology and Ecology, Environmental Science (Marine Pollution, Toxicology), Fishing Technology, Fish Processing and Aquaculture.
An important activity at Sinop Fisheries Faculty is training in research. Supervised by members of the teaching staff, postgraduate students undergo four years of research training for the Ph.D. degree, their work often contributing to the research programmes maintaned by the staff.
Sinop Fisheries Faculty divited into 3 divisions, namely Main Branch of Basic Science of Sinop Fisheries Faculty, Main Branch of Fishing Technology and Processing and Main Branch of Aquaculture. We have 23 academic staff and 30 research assistants in the Faculty.
There are 7 laborotories at the Faculty. We have 11- meter fish boat with equipments.
Our Faculty are responsible for projects which involves the biochemical measurement off the Cape Sinop of the Central Black Sea. At 2 stations along an offshore section, O2, pH, temperature, salinity, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, chlorophyll-a measurement and phyto, zoo, ichthyo and mesooplankton sampling is being carried out at 30 days intervals. The time series data will then be processed to study the biochemical characteristic of the region.
Our Faculty are also responsible for many projects, which are sponsored by Ondokuz Mayıs University, concerning aquaculture of trout inland and in Black Sea, the acute toxicity of some heavy metals to the marine invertebrates which lives in Black Sea, organic pollution effect on distribution of marine alg and invertebrates from sinop Peninsula, Black Sea.
Faculty of Marine Sciences (Karadeniz Technical University):
The Karadeniz Technical University takes its name from the Black Sea , which is well known with its unique ecosystem and rich fisheries resources. However, interest in the marine sciences and fisheries at the University dates back to the early 1980s when the Higher School of Marine Science and Technology was founded officially in 1982. However, education and other activities started in 1984 with two academic departments named Marine Sciences and Marine Technology. Two year later they were combined as Fisheries Technology Engineering. The name of the Higher School changed as the Faculty of Marine Sciences in 1991 and moved to current campus in Sürmene, Trabzon . Even though the Faculty of Marine Sciences holds 3 undergraduate departments: (1) Fisheries Technology, (2) Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and (3) Decking, only Fisheries Technology offers graduate degree.
The Department of Fisheries Technology is committed to addressing the educational and research needs to ensure sustainable management of the diverse fisheries resources. These natural resources and their management are ecologically, socially and economically important.
The Department offers undergraduate and graduate (Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy) degrees in Fisheries Science that provides students with a curriculum that encompasses biology, mathematics, computer science, ecology, oceanography, fisheries biology and management, aquaculture, fish diseases, post harvest technology and other contemporary educational needs for future fisheries professionals. The curriculum prepares students for careers in fisheries professions within private or state fisheries sectors, and ensures that, upon graduation, students are eligible for employment or post-graduate study. Additionally, the Department maintains a nationally recognized research program that addresses all aspects of fisheries and aquatic sciences.
The Faculty of Aquatic Sciences (Istanbul University):
Turkey is a peninsula surrounded by seas on three sides and it also possesses many inner sources of water. The fields of research of the Faculty of Aquatic Sciences are the fauna and flora living in the seas, rivers, and lakes of Turkey, their breeding, the sources of nourishment they provide, and the productivity of aquatic resources. Three departments conduct joint education at the faculty: the Department of Fundamental Sciences, the Department of Breeding, and the Department of Hunting and Processing. Students first attend a one-year course in preparatory English language learning, and this is followed by eight terms (four years) of professional training. Training consists of theoretical and applied (laboratory and field work) courses.
During their third year, students do their training for a month at the Sapanca Innerwater Products Production Research and Application and the Gökçeada Innerwater Products Production Research and Application Units affiliated to the faculty, or at private fishfarms.
The Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology (Dokuz Eylül University):
The Institute of Marine Science and Technology (IMST) of Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir-Turkey was established as an academic and research institution in 1975. The main objective the IMST is to conduct basic and applied marine research on national and international levels. The Institute has post-graduate programs, in Coastal Zone Management, Port & Coastal Engineering, Naval Architecture, Marine Geology & Geophysics, Marine Chemistry, Living Marine Resources and Marine Archeology leading to MSc and PhD degrees.
The areas of speciality and the main activities of the IMST (Institute of Marine Science and Technology) are condensed into the following groups: marine geology and geophysics; Topography and morphology; Physical Oceanography; Water masses formation and circulation; Currents and dispersion; Waves, tides, surges and sea level; Modeling; Coastal and nearshore processes; Marine Structures; Coastal hydrodynamics; Coastal zone management; Resources management; Recreation and tourism in the coastal zone; Marine environmental management and marine pollution monitoring analysis; Marine chemistry and geochemistry; Nutrients; Organics; Radioactivity; Sediments; Suspended matters; Nature conservation and/or restoration; Environmental impact assessment; Remote sensing; Marine biology and ecology; Marine microbiology; Fisheries; Aquaculture; Marine technology; Port planning and management; Shipping; Naval architecture; Environmental education; Ocean policy/law of the sea; Development policy/planning and Marine archeology.
The environments of these activities are the open sea, the coastal zone, pelagic environment, benthic environment, littoral zone, islands, estuaries, lakes, lagoons and brackish water.
Central Fisheries Research Institute (Trabzon,TURKEY):
Trabzon Fisheries Research Institute was established under structure of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, General Directorate of Agricultural Research (TAGEM), in 1987. In 1998, the institute got "Central Institute" status by the Ministry and its regional base duties advanced to national level and its name changed as "Central Fisheries Research Institute - Trabzon".
The hatchery was established as flatfish seed production facility under cooperation of JICA. This facility consists of seawater intake system, system of filtering, sterilizing and heating, and rearing facility including three laboratory for broodstock, feed and larvae/juvenile. Please refer to CFRI-JICA in detail.
Biology, chemist, fish diseases and hatchery laboratories have been installed to be user for various research activities.
In biology laboratory, biometrics measurements and age determination on the fish have been carried out. In chemistry laboratory, physical and chemical parameters of freshwater and seawater have been determined. Fish diseases laboratory has been established and equipped to meet the needs of the studies of parasitology and bacteriology.
To progress the laboratory studies of the institute and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) coordinated project, "Fish Culture Development Project in the Black Sea", three laboratories have been established. These are broodstock laboratory, seed production laboratory and food-feed development laboratory.
The institute's research activities are executed by 9 divisions.
Breeding And Hybridization, Bio-Technology, Protection of Gene Source
Stock Assessment, Dynamics of Population, Fish Biology, Fisheries Technology, Fish Processing And Production Technology
Oceanography, Limnology, Environment,Determination of Aquatic Source
Sea Fish Culture, Fresh Water Fish Culture, Aquaculture Technology, Adaptation
Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Diagnose, Treatment and Hygiene
Follow Of Aims Of Program And Project, Database, Economical Analyses, Statistics
Training Of Researcher, Training Of Publisher, Organization Of Scientific Meetings, Declaration Of Results Of Research, Publication, Press, Library
Production, Marketing, Fish Processing, Technical Counseling Service
Personnel, Verification, Accountancy, Revolving Fund, Storehouse, Materials, Security, Civil Defense, Correspondence, Administrative Functions, Other Similar Affairs
The Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS):
TSMS was founded in 1937. It is the only legal organization which provides all meteorological information in Turkey.
The main objectives of the TSMS are:
- To make observations,
- To provide forecasts,
- To provide climatological data, archive data, and other information,
- To communicate these to the public, · To provide meteorological needs of army and civil avition.
The TSMS has the membership of the following international organizations:
- WMO (the World Meteorological Organization), a specialised agency of the United Nations which organises the work and collaboration of all the national meteorological services
- ECMWF, a European intergovernmental organisation providing global meteorological and oceanographic forecasts
- EUMETSAT, the European meteorological satellite organisation for the establishment, maintenance and exploitation of operational meteorological satellite systems · ECOMET, a European organisation dealing with commercial activities within the meteorological community.
- ICAO, a UN specialised agency which provides Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) for the safe, regular and economic performance of international civil aviation.
Hydrometeorological Stations and Posts:
The Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS):
Station Name | Station Code |
Hopa | HOPA |
Rize | RIZE |
Trabzon | LTCG |
Giresun | GIRS |
Ordu | ORDU |
Samsun | LTFH |
Sinop | SINP |
Zonguldak | LTAS |
Hydro-Chemical Points: At present more than 10.000 oceanographic stations are included in the data base. The oceanographic data at these stations were collected by the
- Department Navy., Hydrogr. and Oceanography, Turkish Navy,
- DEU Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Izmir,
- EU Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, Izmir,
- KTU Faculty of Marine Sciences, Trabzon,
- OMU Sinop Fisheries Faculty, Sinop,
- METU Institute of Marine Sciences, Erdemli
Observational Type:
Standard meteorological parameters;
Seawater temperature;
Seawater salinity;
Significant height of wind waves;
Direction of wind waves;
Mean period of wind waves;
Sea level measurement
Secchi Disc; Conductivity; Turbidity; DO
Monitoring of chemical elements:
pH; PO4; NO2 +NO3; Chl-a;O2; Ca; HCO3; Mg; NH4; Cl; Fe; Na + Ka;
Instrumental Base:
Sampling and field equipment,
Probes for hydrochemical research,
Microscopes with photographic capacity,
Underwater photo/video cameras
Water sampling equipment (water sample and sea temperature);
Biological samples once a month (plankton net)
Ship Surveys:
Research vessels Bilim, Erdemli, Lamas (all IMS METU property).
The Institute of Marine Sciences' main research ship, "Bilim" was designed as an oceanographic vessel and was launched in 1983. Steel hull, Length: 40.36 m, Beam: 9.47 m, Tonnage: 433 gross, 190 net tons, Draft: 3.80m, Speed: 11.5 knots max, 9.5 knots cruising, 1.0 knot min, Range: 6500 miles, Propulsion: MWM diesel, 820 HP, variable-pitch propeller, Schafran bridge control unit, fuel capacity 120 m3. A Global Positioning System (GPS) is used for navigation. The vessel also has conventional radar with 60 miles range. The ship has central partial air conditioning and central heating.
The R/V Bilim has quarters for a crew of 12, and can support a scientific party of 14 for a period of about 45 days at sea.
Physical and chemical data on board of the Bilim are obtained utilizing a Sea-Bird Model 9 CTD profiling system together with a General Oceanics rosette sampler having 12 bottles of 5 liter volume. The CTD and the rosette are operated using a Lebus hydrographic winch with a 2000m cable. For on-board analyses an automatic Winkler titration system, an auto-analyzer, an in-situ spectrofluorometer, an irradiance meter as well as other instruments are available.
The vessel is fully equipped for fisheries and marine biological studies. Some of the major equipments for these investigations are a Norlau hydraulic trawl winch of 7.5 tons and 2 X 1500m wire capacity, a hydraulic net winch of 6 ton capacity.
Marine geological investigations are carried out using an EG&G Uniboom shallow seismic system, side-scan sonars, and various corers. An underwater remotely operated camera (Mini Rover Benthos MK II) is also utilized in sea floor surveys.
Electrical Power Supply
380v-220v AC power is supplied by two 175 HP (each) MWM diesel generators which can be connected in parallel if needed. 220v AC is supplied to the laboratories through a 10kVA isolation transformer, and also by a 3kVA continuous power supply unit. One 12 Kw MWM diesel generator for emergency power supply is also available.
9x8 m2 lab space is available on the main deck for analytical and wet labs, where chemical, and nutrient analyses are carried out. A data-collection and processing room, equipped with computers, IEEE-488 interface, A/D converters, parallel/serial interfaces, accommodating deck units of various instruments, is located adjacent to the labs. Biology, and optical labs, and small machine-shop are located below the deck.
Winches and Cranes
Lebus oceanographic winch (single drum 2000m 8mm wire capacity),
Hydraulic trawl winch of 7.5 tons and 2x1500m 18mm steel wire capacity,
Hydraulic net winch, capacity 6m3 nets and 6 tons,
Telescopic winch, lifting capacity of 250kg at 10m boom length, rotation 360,
Double A-frame (multipurpose, 500kg and 8 tons)
Navigation and Communication Equipment
Satellite Navigation and Global Positioning System (Magnovax MX 100),
Radar (DECCA RM 1226),
Auto-pilot (DECCA 757),
Gyrocompass repeaters (ARMA BROWN MK 10),
Radio Console,
Telephones (VHF Scanti 64 channels, VHF SHIPMATE RS 8000, VHF ICOM IC-M2 portable 88 channels),
Watch receiver WR 6000 (SCANTI-2182 kHz),
Citizen Band Transreceivers (COBRA),
Weather fax receiver (Navtex SAIT Electronic XH 5121),
Four UHF walkie-talkie units (Aselsan).
Facilities at the Institute for Communication with Research Vessels
SSB Transreceiver SAIT-ER 4250 (Transmitter T 5000, Receiver R 5000, Radio Telephone ER 4250),
VHF Radio Telephone (SAIT-ARCTOS 64 Channels).
Research Vessels Piri Reis (DEU, Inst. of Mar.Sci. and Tech., Izmir)
R/V K. Piri Reis named after Kaptan-i Derya PIRI REIS, known as respected captain by Turkish and World marine history, was build on West Germany Schiffweft Diedrich Oldesrum shipyard. She is registered under the Germanisher Lloyd in June 1978; Reg. No:15487/1, class character F/S me. auth. 16/24
K.Piri Reis research vessel is the first one in Turkey for scientific marine research. She can cruise 15-20 days without berthing.
Her Specifications:
Length 36 m, Width 8.05 mi,
Draft: Min 2.30 m, Max. 2.80 m
Height 3.80 m, Gross tonnage: 280 metric T, Net tonnage: 78 metric T
Cruise and maneuvering properties:
Cruise speed: 9.0 knots, Maneuvering capability: 35 m
Crew: Total 10 person, Scientific personnel: Total 11 person
Main Engine: V type, Süddeutsche Brimsen AG, Tb 602 V12, 12 cylinders MMW 610 BHP, 1500 RPM
Auxiliary Engine: 81 kwAX2 (MAN) 380-220 V AC , 7.5 kwAX1 (LISTER) 380-220 V AC
Fuel Consumption: 136 l/h, Propeller: Variable pitch controlled propeller
380 V AC, 3 cy
220 V AC, 1 cy
110 V AC, 1 cy
24 V DC
Hot water and heating boiler: Buderus 60.000 kcal/h, Desalination System: 2 metric T/day
Air conditioning system
The ship fully air conditioned
Fuel: 45 metric T, Fresh water: 23 metric T
Communicational equipment and positioning:
DGPS (Trimple)
Decca Radar (12 n.mile)
Decca Radar Bridge Master (Arpa - 96 n.mile)
Decca 550 Autopilot
SG BROWN Meridian Gyro
Debeg Mod. ITT 2200 Automatic Range Finder
Debeg 7313, Transreceiver, 400 W
Amplidan 9000, 10 channels in board communication system.
Portable Telephone
Portable walkie - talkies (Aselsan - 3 ps)
VHF/FM Radiotelephone 9100 (Ray Jefferson)
Navtex Receiver, JRC NCR – 300 A
Oceanographic equipment:
Sea-Bird SBE / CTD system
GO Rosette Sampler
Niskin Bottle 10 l x 20 ps
Current meter (Aanderaa Recording Current Meter)
Biological Equipment:
Trawl Winch (2 x 3.2 metric T towing capacity)
Deep trawl (5 pc)
Beam trawl (2 pc)
EK-400 simrad Echosounder
Scanmar Net Sounder System (Both for demersal fisheries resources survey)
Marel Electronic balance (1 g to 5 kg)
Different types mechanical balance
Different types plankton nets
Hamburg Net (Isaac - kit)
Van veen grab & dredges
Scuba equipment (Nikonos V Camera & SB 105 Flash)
Deep water Video Camera Sea-Line (ROV) (operable down to 300 m)
Odom DF 3200 MK II Echotrac Survey Echo Sounder
TSS DMS 2 Dynamic Motion Sensor
Geological and Geophysical Equipment:
Gravity Corer
Releasing Corer
EG & G Side Scan Sonar
Sparker Engineering Seismic
Seabat Sub-bottom profiler
EPC Recorder
MILLIPORE, water filtration system
Oven and Incubator
Freeze dryer (at the Chemistry Laboratory)
MILLIPORE, Microbiological research unit
Laminar air-flow cabin (at the Chemistry Laboratory)
Auto-Analyzer (Skalar) (at the Chemistry Laboratory)
Beckman 26 UV / VIS B - 12 Spectrophotometer (at the Chemistry Laboratory)
Other basic ship-born laboratory accessories
Research Vessel SURAT ARASTIRMA-1 ( Central Fisheries Research Institute, Trabzon)
The Institute owns a research vessel, The SÜRAT-ARAŞTIRMA 1, that is 24 m length and 365 HP power. The vessel is equipped for fisheries and stock assessment studies. The Sürat has been servicing as a laboratory for initial processing and analyses. Physical and chemical data on board of the Sürat is obtained by using Sea-Bird CTD profiling system.
Stationary buoys and platforms:
There are not any kind of buoys and platforms installed or used for oceanographic data collection.
ARGOS 3; data acquired - standard T, S.
Setting up and support of drifter network: ONR (USA)
Satellite Observations:
An HRPT Antenna Server System which acquires, archives, processes, and displays HRPT telemetry real-time data from AVHRR sensor on the US NOAA TIROS-N series satellites. This system also allows the Institute to capture and archive the data from the ocean colour SeaWiFS sensor;
METEOSAT SDUS receiver: 1.2 meter dish antenna operational since 1992 is used to receive SDUS WEFAX data transmitted by EUMETSAT through Metosat-5. The VIS/IR and WV data is received automatically and stored.
Automatic Picture Transmitter (APT) Receiver: A PC based APT/WEFAX unit which was used for real-time reception and storage of coarse resolution, infrared/visible images from, the TIROS-N/NOAA series, and METEOR satellites. With these units, infrared images of 4kmx4km resolution from the NOAA satellites, and visible thermal images transmitted by the Meteor satellites are received and recorded. After the operation of HRPT station this service is on standby
Data Basis, GIS, Data Flow:
Black Sea Database (http://sfp1.ims.metu.edu.tr/).
Black Sea inter-disciplinary multivariable historical database was created in the framework of the NATO TU-Black Sea project in 1994-1997 and was maintained in the framework of NATO ODBMS Project during 1998-2002. Database includes all main ecosystem variables - physical, chemical and biological - for the entire Black Sea basin and covers time period from 1954 up to 2002 and includes data obtained at more than 29,000 oceanographic stations. Internet version of the database covers period 1954-1996.
Human Resources:
• Professors 7
• Associate professors: 7
• Assistant professors: 4
• Instructors: 1
• Research assistants: 9
• Graduate students: 13
• Technical (scientific) personnel: 10.
OMU-Sinop Fisheries Faculty
• Professors 7
• Associate professors: 2
• Assistant professors: 18
• Instructors: 1
• Research assistants: 14
• Technical (scientific) personnel: . 4
KTU-Faculty of Marine Sciences
• Professors 5
• Associate professors: 3
• Assistant professors: 7