SESAME is an international research project that incorporates a variety of disciplines to explore and study the ecosystem changes of the Mediterranean and the Black Seas as well as their surrounding environments. The multidisciplinary nature of the project, supported by the European Commission, means that it will bring together scientists with expertise in marine biology, biodiversity, physical and chemical oceanography, and socio-economics, in order to better understand past and future ecosystem changes. The project further explore the abilities of these ecosystems in providing goods and services such as tourism, fisheries and ecosystem stability. It will also link natural and social sciences, and thus its results regarding ecosystem variability will not only be of interest to the scientific community but will reach a wide audience, including decision-makers and the general public at large.
Communications, data and information exchange are the key elements of the operational ocean monitoring and forecasting networks, defined in the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Development of observing and closely related operational forecasting system in the Black Sea region requires the exchange of significant data and information volumes.
ASCABOS is designed to strengthen the communication system ensuring flexible and operative infrastructure for data and information exchange between partners and end users.
The main goal of the IP is: to initiate a concerted effort to use science, information technology and policy measures to understand and deal with the consequences of global warming in the Black Sea towards better governance, sustainable exploitation of resources and conservation of the marine environment.
The SeaDataNet project (2006-2011) is constructing a standardized distributed system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the new automatic observation systems. By use of standards for communication and new developments in intormation technology, the 40 in-situ and satellite marine data platforms of the partnership are providing metadata, data and products as a unique virtual data centre. Standards development and adoption for communication and Quality Assurance issues on data, meta-data and products are providing integrated data sets of assessed quality. The implementation of common QA procedure allows the preparation of common regional and global data products.
Your gateway to Oceanographic and Marine Data & Information in Europe
To support researchers, engineers, and other users of oceanographic and marine data to identify and to take benefit from available data resourcesTo make researchers aware of the added value of proper data management for their work and projectsTo support researchers to develop appropriate data management plans in projects and proposalsTo provide researchers with information on expert data management organisations in EuropeTo stimulate cooperation between researchers and expert data management organisations in Europe
Teams from the Institute of Cybernetics, Institute of Mathematical Machine andSystem Problems in Kyiv as well as Tbilisi State University in Georgia are jointly developed a prototype computer system for flood risk reduction. This system is to optimize the allocation of investments and insurance coverage in the areas,exposed to the risk of hazardous flooding.The most widely accepted approach for mitigating floods is the use of reliableflood forecasting systems. In the developed countries, the legislative and economic tools - zoning of economic activities in the flood impacted areas, different rates of insurance in dependence from flood risks - are of great importance.
The Project was established at the end of 1998 as a co-operation between major marine research institutions in 6 Black Sea countries, with the support of NATO Science for Peace Sub-Programme.
Major objectives of the Project:
- To explore, quantify and predict the ecosystem variability of the Black Sea through process studies and development of coupled interdisciplinary models with data assimilation schemes that will allow: prediction of the future states of the sea (FORECASTING); descriptions of the present (NOWCASTING) and the past states of the sea and displaying trends and changes (HINDCASTING).
- To develop further the NATO Black Sea Data Base and Management System for management oriented operational marine forecasting and research, requiring transmission to a wide variety of users quality controlled data received from moored buoys, ships, drifting sensor arrays, fixed platforms and satellites, with stringent requirements in DBMS-to-USER transmission in delayed and / or near-real-time modes.
The overall objective of the MEDAR/MEDATLAS II project is to make available a comprehensive data product of temperature, salinity and bio-chemical data in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, through a wide co-operation of the Mediterranean countries.