
Romania: National Institute for Marine Research and Development  "Grigore Antipa" is the technical operator of the national network for physical, chemical and biological monitoring  of national marine and coastal waters and of surveillance of coastal erosion, entitled to submit to the Ministry of Waters and Environment Protection mersin escort bayan canlı bahis siteleri sex hattı canlı bahis proposals for marine environmental regulations. 

Monitoring Activities: 

  • Pollution monitoring and assessment by means of physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological indicators;
  • Assessment of pollutants load discharged into  marine waters by land based sources, Danube included;
  • Monitoring of biological diversity, marine dolphins included;
  • State of marine living resources;
  • Special monitoring of mollusks designated areas;
  • Monitoring of the quality of bathing waters and beaches;
  • Monitoring of incidental pollution.

mapHydrometeorological Stations and Posts (5):

Conatanta, Gura Portitei, Mangalia, Sulina, Sfantu Gheorghe.

Hydro-Chemical Points: 

Sulina – (Sulina branch opening, 20m isobate);
Sfântu Gheorghe – (5 m isobate, 20 m isobate);
Portita – (5 m isobate, 20 m isobate);
Gura Buhaz – (5 m isobate, 20 m isobate);
Port Midia
Fertilchim Navodari - shore
Children summer camp Navodari - shore
Hotel Savoy - shore
Cazinou Mamaia – (beach, 5 m isobate, 20 m isobate )
Hotel Perla - shore
Hotel Waterrc - shore
Constanta Nord – 5 m isobate, 20 m isobate
Beach Modern - shore
Cazinou Constanta - shore
Est Constanta – 5 nautical miles
Constanta South – 5 m isobate, 20 m isobate

Observational Type:

Standard meteorological parameters;
Seawater temperature;
Seawater salinity;
Wind wave height and period;
Swell height, period and duration

Monitoring of chemical elements:

pH; transparency; suspended load; dissolved oxygen; N- NO2 ; NO3; Nh4; P-PO4 ; Porg ; SiO4; biochemical oxygen demand, detergents, total hydrocarbons, radionucliers; nutrients; heavy metals; organic pollutants; phytoplancton; zoobenthos; pheacal colliforms;

Instrumental Base:

Sea level recorder OTT R 60 weekly chart;
OTT R 20, Thalimedes shaftencoder SUM, daily chart; three readings of The tide pole;
Three readings at the tide pole;
Digital, pressure sea level recorder;
Reversible thermometer;
Water sampling equipment (water sample and sea temperature);
Biological samples twice a week (plankton net);
Wave parameters, perspectometer, three times a day.

Ship Surveys:

NIMRD “Grigore Antipa” has one research vessel “Steaua de Mare” which operates all over the year on the Romanian continental shelf, from Sulina to Vama Veche, the extremities of the Romanian littoral. A new, small motorboat is used for dolphin migration watch (Life Project).

Good collaboration is established with Coast Guard and PETROMAR Company, as ships of opportunity, especially for dolphins migration watch.

Stationary buoys and platforms:

Meteorological station Gloria on the oil platform, latitude: 44°31'N, longitude: 29°34'E, altitude: 29m., with staff .

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Not available

steauaSatellite Observations:

Meteosat-7 PDUS/ MSG HRUS/LRUS receiving station, VCS (Germany),Dell Server (2-CPU, P4, 4 SCSI 36 GB HDD, 1GB RAM, W2K Server), 2xDSRII receivers, 1x3.0 m antenna, 1x3.7 m antenna, ENVI 3.6, ERDAS 8.2, xpif format files).

NOAA/HRPT receiving station: Smartech 340 Explorer, 1.8 m antenna, Digital Server (384 MB RAM, 2x9 GB SCSI, 1x 300 MHZ PII), Smartech software, hrp files, level1.b files.

Data Basis, GIS, Data Flow:

The data from Gloria and coastal stations are collected by GSM at RMC Constanta and then sent at NIMH Bucharest by satellite transmission. They are archived in the NIMH database.

Human Resources:

In NIMRD “Grigore Antipa” are currently working:
- 51 researchers
- 2 engineers
- 1 tehnician
- 15 young researchers
- 18 research assistants

RMC Constanta
- Researchers: 7;
- Young scientists:3;
- Techniciens: 10;
- Engineers:1;

NIMH-RO (headqurter)
- Researchers: 6;
- Young scientists:1;
- Techniciens: 4;
- Engineers:2;
