About Authors
Avtandil A. Kordzadze – Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, professor. The head of Department of Mathematical Modelling of Geophysical Processes in the Sea and atmosphere at the Institute of Geophysics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 1967 Graduated from Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Novosibirsk State University. In 1967-1984 he worked at Computing Center of Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok). In 1984 he was translated to Moscow on a post of the Senior Scientist at the Department of Computing Mathematics (now Institute of Numerical Mathematics) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the invitation of academician G. I. Marchuk. In 1989 A. Kordzadze has been translated in the Institute of Geophysics (Tbilisi, Georgia), where he has based Department of sea dynamics (now, Department of Mathematical Modelling of Geophysical Processes in the Sea and atmosphere). For many years he conducted pedagogical activity In Novosibirsk State University, Moscow’s physical-technical Institute and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Scientific activity of prof. A. Kordzadze is connected with mathematical substantiation of problems of ocean dynamics, mathematical modelling of hydrothermodynamic and ecological processes in the Black Sea and Atmosphere. in these spheres he has about 130 scientific articles.
Demuri I. Demetrashvili - Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics. Major Scientist of Department of Mathematical Modelling of Geophysical Processes in the Sea and atmosphere at the Institute of Geophysics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. In 1971 he Graduated from Department of Physics of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (specialty “Theoretical Physics”). In 1974-1977 he was a post-gratitude student at the Computing Center of Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok). In 1992-1995 D. Demetrashvili worked as deputy director of the republican Center of Environmental Monitoring of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Georgia. In 1982-1989 he was a Senior Scientist at the institute of Hydrometeorology and in 1996-2006 – the head of Laboratory of Dynamical Meteorology at the same Institute. D. I. Demetrashvili is author of 112 scientific publications in numerical modeling of meso-scale atmospheric processes, simulation of hydrophysical fields and dispersion processes of different substances in the Black Sea.