List Of Centres » Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of Georgian Academy of Sciences (GAS)

Mean monthly load discharge of Rv. Okumi, Gagida, Inguri, Churia and Khobi at mouth cross-section

Center's Name: Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of Georgian Academy of Sciences (GAS)
Dataset Name Mean monthly load discharge of Rv. Okumi, Gagida, Inguri, Churia and Khobi at mouth cross-section
Time Period 1963 - 1975
Geographical Coverage Georgian Black Sea coast, between Rv. Khobi and Rv. Okumi
Area Type Coastal
Project Engineering geology study of submarine slope between Rv. Khobi and Rv. Okumi due to the constuction of dams on Rv.Inguri
Project Acronym
Parameters Load discharge values
Instruments Sediment trap, grab
Summary Construction of the dams on the Rv. Inguri caused decreasing of the amount of the Rv. Inguri load discharge and hence, intensive erosion of the beach occurred. Project gives an assessment of the catastrophic impact of changes of the sediment balance on the beach stability.
Reference Buachidze I.M. Djandjgava K.I. Khachapuridze I.F. Iashvili G.E. Injinerno geologicheskie uslovia shelfa Chernogo moria v predelakh Gruzii. Izd. GPI 1976 Golovanov G.P. Safianov G.A. Otlojenia relief I litodinamika verkhvia Ingurskogo podvodnogo kaniona. Doklad simpoziuma, Batumi 1971 Djandjgava K.M. Injinernaia geologia shelfovoi zoni I poberejia Chernogo moria, v predelekha Kavkaza. Izd. Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1979 Mandich A.F. Velichina tverdogo stoka rek zapadnoi Gruzii. Vestnik MGU ser.geogr N2 1976.
Availability Special arrangement, contact Director, Prof. Guram Buachidze Lab of Marine engineering geology, Dr.G. Iashvili,Head Tel: +995 32 791046; +995 99 931637 Fax: +995 32 001153 E-mail:
Data Website
Originator Institute of Hydrogeology and engineering geology of GAS
Supply Details
Contact Director, Prof. Guram Buachidze Lab of Marine engineering geology, Dr.G. Iashvili,Head Tel: +995 32 791046; +995 99 931637 Fax: +995 32 001153 E-mail:
Completed By Z. Savaneli -
Collated By TSU-UORC, Georgia and edited by BODC (10/05/2004)