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Project TCP/GEO/2904(A) - support fisheries sector rehabilitation

Center's Name: Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Fisheries Department
Project Acronym TCP/GEO/2904(A)
Project Reference State General Scheme
Assosiated Programme
Begin Date 2003-01-11
End Date 2005-01-05
Ongoing 1
Geographical Coverage Georgia Black Sea coast
Summary The Government of Georgia requested the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) technical assistance for the development and management of fisheries and aquaculture. FAO, through its Technical Cooperation Programme, approved the TCP/GEO/2904 (A) Project, aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture for the fisheries sector rehabilitation. The general objective of the project is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Fisheries Department in leading and assisting the rehabilitation of the fisheries sector in Georgia. Specifically, the Project should produce a national master plan for fisheries development, in consultation with the main stakeholders in the Georgian fisheries sector, as part of the general fisheries policy framework. The project is also expected to review the existing national fisheries legislation and draft appropriate amendments to the draft law on fisheries, in order to facilitate its finalization and approval; and develop a data collection and evaluation systems, according to the specific conditions of the national fishery sector, to be used as tools for fisheries development and management.
Reference State General Scheme
Project Website