Hydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi.
Center's Name: |
Hydrometeorological Observatory of Achara, Batumi |
Dataset Name |
Hydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi. |
Time Period |
1905-2005 |
Geographical Coverage |
Georgian Black Sea coast, Achara, Batumi |
Area Type |
Coastal |
Project |
Whithin the national programs of hydrometeorological observations |
Project Acronym |
Parameters |
Wind velocity and direction, mean sea level, wave heights, sea surface water temperatures, salinity, atmospheric pressure, humidity and precipitation |
Instruments |
Sea level gauge, spectrophotometer, thermometer, thermograph, hand held and fixed anenometer, rain collector, bottle stations. |
Summary |
Long-term hydrometeorological and oceanological observations together with pollution monitoring (suspended matter, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PH, O2, alkalinity, ammonium, nitrates, total P, synthetic matter) were carried out , including standard, routine coastal and marine observations at fixed points. |
Reference |
Morskie gidrologicheskie informatsii I prognozi - Z. K. Abuzarov, Y. I. Shakiraev, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad 1974.
Nastavlenie Gidrometeorologicheskim postam I stantsiam, vipusk 10, chast 1, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974
Rukavodstvo po kratkosrochnim prognozam, Gidrometeoizdat, 1986
Rukavodstvo po kratkosrochnim prognozam, Evropeiskaia teritoria SSSR, Zakavkazia, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965 |
Availability |
Special arrangement with contact person |
Data Website |
Originator |
Hydrometeorological Observatory of Achara, Batumi |
Supply Details |
Special arrangement with contact person |
Contact |
Dr. Rusudan Diasamidze; +995 77 414320; +995 888 75354; Fax: +995 888 74861 |
Completed By |
Dr. Rusudan Diasamidze |
Collated By |
TSU-UORC, Georgia, and edited by BODC (09/05/2005) |