List Of Centres » Hydrometeorological Observatory of Achara, Batumi

Hydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi.

Center's Name: Hydrometeorological Observatory of Achara, Batumi
Dataset Name Hydrometeorological data (marine), Achara, Batumi.
Time Period 1905-2005
Geographical Coverage Georgian Black Sea coast, Achara, Batumi
Area Type Coastal
Project Whithin the national programs of hydrometeorological observations
Project Acronym
Parameters Wind velocity and direction, mean sea level, wave heights, sea surface water temperatures, salinity, atmospheric pressure, humidity and precipitation
Instruments Sea level gauge, spectrophotometer, thermometer, thermograph, hand held and fixed anenometer, rain collector, bottle stations.
Summary Long-term hydrometeorological and oceanological observations together with pollution monitoring (suspended matter, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides, PH, O2, alkalinity, ammonium, nitrates, total P, synthetic matter) were carried out , including standard, routine coastal and marine observations at fixed points.
Reference Morskie gidrologicheskie informatsii I prognozi - Z. K. Abuzarov, Y. I. Shakiraev, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad 1974. Nastavlenie Gidrometeorologicheskim postam I stantsiam, vipusk 10, chast 1, Gidrometeoizdat, 1974 Rukavodstvo po kratkosrochnim prognozam, Gidrometeoizdat, 1986 Rukavodstvo po kratkosrochnim prognozam, Evropeiskaia teritoria SSSR, Zakavkazia, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965
Availability Special arrangement with contact person
Data Website
Originator Hydrometeorological Observatory of Achara, Batumi
Supply Details Special arrangement with contact person
Contact Dr. Rusudan Diasamidze; +995 77 414320; +995 888 75354; Fax: +995 888 74861
Completed By Dr. Rusudan Diasamidze
Collated By TSU-UORC, Georgia, and edited by BODC (09/05/2005)